Rules and Regulations

Last Updated: [01-04-24]

General Rules

Be Respectful:

Treat others with respect and kindness. Do not engage in harassment, discrimination, or personal attacks.

Stay on Topic:

Keep discussions relevant to coding, programming languages, software development, and related topics.

No Spamming:

Avoid flooding the chat with unnecessary messages.

Use Appropriate Channels:

Post content in the relevant channels. Off-topic discussions should be kept to designated areas.

No NSFW Content:

Keep all content safe for work. Do not post or discuss explicit or inappropriate material.

Respect Privacy:

Do not share personal information about yourself or others without consent.

Follow Discord's Terms of Service:

Abide by Discord's community guidelines and terms of service at all times.

Code Of Conduct

Be Helpful:

Offer assistance and support to those who ask for it. Help create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for beginners and experienced coders alike.

Constructive Criticism:

Don't make fun of other's work. Provide feedback in a constructive manner. Critique code and projects with the intention of helping others improve.

No Cheating or Plagiarism:

Do not engage in cheating or plagiarism. Respect intellectual property rights and give credit where it's due.

Respect Copyright:

Do not share copyrighted material unless you have permission to do so.

No Hacking or Malicious Activities:

Do not engage in hacking, cracking, or any form of malicious activities. Respect others' privacy and security.

Follow Project Guidelines:

When collaborating on projects, adhere to project guidelines and respect the decisions of project maintainers.

Report Violations:

If you witness any violations of the rules or encounter any issues, report them to the moderators or administrators.

Sending Spam Code:

No sharing of spammy or malicious code on the Discord server. Violators will be promptly banned.

Moderation Guidelines

Moderator Discretion:

Moderators have the final say in enforcing the rules and resolving disputes.

Warnings and Bans:

Violations of the rules may result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.

Appeals Process:

If you believe you were unfairly warned or banned, you may appeal the decision through the appropriate channels.


Moderation actions will be transparent whenever possible. Users will be informed of the reasons behind warnings or bans.

No Backseat Moderating:

Allow moderators to handle rule violations. Do not attempt to enforce the rules yourself.